Sunday, January 21, 2007

Judgement Day 2 - At least 25 seconds

Things are getting better, I got 25 seconds of stimulation today. Of course I was not able to cum, but at least I felt something approaching. I was hoping that I will be so horny by now, that 25 seconds will be enough. This is very far from the truth. I am constantly dripping wet during the day and even more during the night, but an orgasm without a few minutes of stimulation is still impossible. It was such an terrible feeling when the vibrator was turned of after 25 seconds. I hope I must not experience that again next week.

Please vote for me, you can end my torment! I offered to work for my orgasm, unfortunately the only request was a video of my sessions with my master and lover. I am concerned about my privacy and I do not want to do this. The only reason I agreed to the internet voting is my anonymity her.

I talked about this video thing with my master and lover after our session, because I was really desperate. We made a deal. We will record every session that is longer than 5 minutes and make it public after we both made sure it cannot disclose our identity. I am fine with this.

If you want to see this video, you must vote for a session that is longer than 5 minutes. This means 300 more votes for yes than for no. There is a penalty for this extra rule I have to suffer. From now on I will get no stimulation at all except for the timed weekend sessions. No fucking, no licking, no fingering, nothing. I am only allowed to pleasure my master and lover with my mouth and my hands. My pussy and clit are tabu until I get to cum.


Anonymous said...

Right now, you don't have a total of 300 votes. I think the best way to get a session that lasts longer than 5 minutes is to make each vote count for more time. I think anywhere from 5-10 seconds would give you a chance of ending this.

Kirsten said...

Well, if it was up to me, I would make every vote count for a minute. But unfortunately it is NOT up to me. And my master and lover will not change the rules in my favor, that's for sure. I have no idea how I should get out of this soon, but changing the rules is not an option.

Isn't the video motivation enough to make people vote yes?

Anonymous said...

Right now, you only have 282 total votes. Even if everyone voted yes, that still wouldn't be 5 minutes. Are people allowed to make a vote every week? If so, that should be made clear in the poll. I think some people have only voted once. The poll should be made clearer, not many newcomers would be willing to go through four posts to find out what effect their vote has, and "Do not grant you" doesn't have the same meaning as "Refuse to let you". The "Do not care" option is useless, If someone doesn't care, then that someone wouldn't vote. Also, even though it's not up to you, you can still make suggestions, and have another condition added if necessary.

Anonymous said...

Well there are links to you on certain websites where denying you is far more desirable for many then a video of you cumming. The girls at are probably feeling particularly mean. Some of them have gone months without the big O.

Anonymous said...

Just thought you might like to know we're keeping an eye on you, and voting consistently :)

Kirsten said...

Wow, this is insane! Why are you doing this to me? It might be interesting to some girls on your site to be denied for months, but I am happy with a few days. I never wanted this to go that far.

I am not doing this because I want to justify my kink ala "Oh, the bad people on the internet make me do it!". I am pleading to you because this has goon much too far by now. My everyday life is focused on my arousal and I started to have problems with sleeping. Some nights it takes hours for me to finally fall asleep, constantly thinking about my wet pussy and how badly I need this orgasm. It was fun during the first ten days, but I have enough of this.

Please don't do this to me!

To clarify the voting rules, everybody is allowed to vote once a day. Since there are about equal votes for yes as for no, this wouldn't change a lot anyway.

Anonymous said...

I don't think she wants this are expected this to go this far. I think we should let her out of this game that is causing problems for her well-being. Also, having a punishment that she's not allowed to talk about makes me suspicious, it reminds me of my visit to the Battered Wives' shelter where they would talk about how they were made to keep various abuses secret.

Anonymous said...

*or expected

Kirsten said...

Thanks a lot for your support! At least someone here seems to have a heart.

To set the record straight, I am not threatened in any physical or illegal way. If I cannot take it anymore, I can break up with my master and lover and can do whatever I want. But I am happy to say that he is the love of my life and I would never leave him, although he is doing this to me.

The punishment I would have to suffer is of a quite different kind, and explaining it nearer would disclose the punishment itself, which I am not allowed to do.

Concerning the orgasm denial: It is still some kind of game, a sick one if I might add, but it is my free will to participate in it. That's what love can do with a girl.

Anonymous said...

Will this recording have audio?

Kirsten said...

In my current situation I can guarantee you, that this won't be a silent event. We will tape it with sound, but if we decide after the review that my voice could be recognized by friends or family member, we will publish it without sound. I cannot promise anything beforehand.

Anonymous said...

I rather think that a paltry little orgasm ... at this point we should ensure that she is under the vibrator for at least 60 minutes ...

I want to hear those 60 minutes screams of too much!

Anonymous said...

I have contacted around 20 of my friends and infomed them about the poll. Good news Kirsten, they will all be voting against your orgasm on a daily basis as will I. I would encourage everyone to vote to not grant this orgasm once per day. If we all band together we can possibly delay this orgasm for months and maybe even years.

Kirsten said...

This is really mean. The good thing is, I don't believe that somebody as mean as you even has 20 friends. And if you look at the votes, you will notice an increase by 20 seconds, not a decrease. If this continues until the weekend I might get lucky on Sunday!

Anonymous said...

It looks like he may actually have at least that many friends. You're down by almost a full minute now. Do you get some sort of punishment for having more people vote against you? Either way...

:( :( :( :( :( :( :( :(

Anonymous said...

I don't think this vote is such a good idea. It's difficult to know if there are really that many people who want to vote no, or if a few people use proxy servers or other ways of changing their IP address.